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Creating a new supplier

Creating a new supplier

Interacting with various suppliers and increasing stock are the main goals of every commercial enterprise. In this article we will provide a step by step instruction on how to create a new supplier in

1. Go to the menu Product, select Supplier and open the suppliers list.

You can create suppliers and edit their lists using the context menu of the page.
Create Supplier - use to enter information about the supplier.

Import Product Suppliers - import of goods according to their suppliers from a csv file with the following data: SKU ; SupplierName ; SupplierNum ; Cost ; Link ; IsMainSupplier.

Import Suppliers - import of suppliers from a csv file with the following data: ID ; Name ; Client number ; Client number for FBA ; Delivery (days) ; Product Id Start ; Update start ; Update end ; Type msg ; Message ; Memo ; Email ; Send Email from ; Width (mm) ; Text for label ; Height (mm) ; From Client.

Export Suppliers - export oof suppliers list from a csv file.

To create a new supplier click on Create Supplier, then enter the information about the supplier.

Name - supplier's name;

Client number - Company ID registered by supplier;

Client number for FBA - Company ID for Amazon orders;

Delivery (days) - delivery time (from a supplier to a warehouse);

Responsible user -assign a responsible manager for the supplier;

Email - the supplier's email address;

Send Email from - set the e-mail account, from which the emails will be sent;

Memo - specify additional information about the supplier.

Задайте параметры Masterbox этикетки для Поставщика.

Width (mm) - Ширина этикетки (в мм.)

Height (mm) - Высота этикетки (в мм.)

Text for label - Вы можете указать специальный текст на Masterbox этикетке.

Укажите, какие параметры будут использоваться при формировании списка к дозаказу товара у поставщика.

supplier_num - Номер товара у поставщика.

QTY - Количество товара.

price - Стоимость товара у поставщика.

client_num - клиентский номер компании у поставщика

id - ID товара в

title - Наименование товара в
  • en/begining3.1667831286.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/11/07 15:28
  • by vasily