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Profile creation, profile variations

With Ysell.pro you can upload product variations for each marketplaces to Amazon.

1. Go to a product card. Clicking Profiles go to the product profiles page

2. Indicate information about the product's company, its SKU and EAN. Save the profile.

3. Specify brand name, manufacturer and manufacturer number.

4. You can switch between Central, Amazon and Ebay tabs to choose a platform. Information about the product is transferred between platforms.

5. Enter bulletpoints information for Amazon into the bulletpoint field. Indicate key words of the product into the Keyword field. Enter the description in the description field. Other fields are optional. A new listing with the indicated EAN will pop up on Amazon after clicking “Create on Amazon”.
1. In order to create a variation of a product on Amazon go to the product variations tab

2. In the tab that opens indicate information about the variation. Indicate product's name (indicating that it's a variation) and assign an SKU to it. You can set criteria of the variation and product's type. It's important to specify the same Brand and Manufacturer as indicated on the product.

3. The next step is to assign the variation to the product. Go to the product's profile and assign the variation to it. Specify information about the created variation in the Variation parent field.

4. Specify the created product's variation in the Variation parent field and save changes.

5. Укажите категорию продукта Specify product's category

6. Indicate amount of the product's units in the variation

7 Clicking Send to platform you can choose which profiles will be sent to Amazon. When profile is sent you can unlink the variation on Amazon.
Amazon-flat file is an Excel sheet provided by Amazon to enter bulk data, ranges from one listing to many listings.
You can easily add a lot of details with one go using Amazon-flat file.

Log in into your Amazon Seller Central and go to the Catalogue tab. Select the option Add product via upload

In order to upload information about the listing that doesn't exist on Amazon go to the *List Product not currently in Amazon's catalogue tab. » —- >На вкладке Download speadsheet вы можете использовать строку поиска или классификатор товаров. При использовании функции поиска убедитесь, что выбранный вами результат находится в соответствующем классификационном пути. Чтобы выбрать его, нажмите на знак Select в левой части строки Use the Search tool field or product type for searching on the Download speadsheet. Make sure that chosen result is placed in corresponding » —- >Выберите маркетплейсы, на которые необходимо загрузить шаблон. Выберите Advanced тип шаблона. Нажатием на Genereate Template загрузите шаблон файла. » —- >Перейдите в профиль продукта. Выберите вкладку Amazon-flat. Нажмите на Select flat file. Загрузите файл в секции Upload new amazon flat file**. Сохраните изменения.
  • en/profvar.1682686377.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/04/28 14:52
  • by artem