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Generation invoices for provided services

With Ysell.pro features you can generate invoices for provided by the Prep Center services. Monthly billing lets reduce quantity of transactions by collecting them into one invoice.

Go to the Shipments section. Check boxes of shipments that are in PAY status and need to be billed. You can filter shipments by their statuses. Select a company that will be used to send the invoice in Create order block. Clicking Create Order initiate order creating list with selected shipments

System will create an order indicating receiver a company that shipments which have been selected previously. In the block Order contents listed services that have been applied to processed shipments and their costs.

Go to Sales proceeds block. Select preferable method of payment by clicking Payment method. To write-off funds prepaid in advance select Balance as payment method. Clicking Pay From Balance you write-off cost of sending from the Client.

After writing-off funds from the Client balance the order will get to 7.1 status. Invoice to pay is availiable by clicking “Invoices”.

Для формирования счета на оплату, выберите в Sales proceeds метод оплаты Invoice. Сформируйте счет на оплату нажатием на Invoices - Create Invoice. To generate invoices, select Invoice payment method in Sales proceeds

После оплаты клиентом выставленного счета, укажите в строке Payment date дату оплаты. Статус заказа изменится на 7.1

Информация о выставленных счетах на клиента, о статусе их оплаты, а также количество средств, внесенных по предоплате, доступна на карточке компании клиента в разделе Finance.
  • en/prep_orderinvoice.1653298217.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/23 11:30
  • by artem