
This is an old revision of the document!

Transfering and adding products

Ysell.pro suggests solution for automatic product accounting, monitoring stock of Clients goods and calculation of price for storaging.

Editing and adding information on quantity of received goods are possible via interaction with Warehouse tab of product card
Warehouse - Name of the Warehouse

Country - ISO-code of the Warehouse country location

Product owner - Name of the products owner Company. Clicking pencil icon you can edit information on the products owner Company

Storage place - Name of the storage place where goods are kept

Type - Type of product storage. Box - cartons, quantity of units are declareted by clients in advance. Unit - units of products

Unit qty - Quantity of product units

Boxes - Quantity of product boxes

Units in box - Quantity of units per box

Reserve - Quantity of reserved products for orders

Stock - Quantity of product units available to operations

Lot number - Shipment number that was used to receive goods on the Warehouse

History of product moving along the Warehouse is available by clicking the Warehouse history tab
Warehouse - Name of the warehouse that is used to store products

Storage place - Name of the storage place that was written off/added products

Type - Indicates whether removing or adding happened

Qty - Quantity of added/removed product

Description - Description of action that happened with the product

Qty before on place - Quantity of products on the Storage place before the action was committed

Qty after on place - Quantity of products on the Storage place after the action was committed

Qty product before - Quantity of products on the Warehouse before the action was commited

Qty product after - Quantity of products on the Warehouse after the action was commited

Box - Quantity of product boxes with ones the action was committed

Lot number - Shipment number the one the action with product was committed

Adding goods to stock manually

To add information on quantity of goods on the storage place go to menu Warehouse - Add to Warehouse. Indicate type that a product should be added switching between Unit/Box tabs.
To add units of product indicate quantity of product that should be added on storage place in Qty string and specify Product ID of Ysell. Optionally specify Manufacturer Nr - it may be EAN or SKU.

Indicate Storage place that is used to store goods. Clicking the pencil icon in the Unit package dimension block fill the information on package dimensions with the product, it's necessary for system to calculate information on storage costs of goods.
Clicking Add finish the process of adding product on the storage place

To add boxes with products go to Box tab. Specify Box quantity parameters - quantity of boxes with product, Unit quantity - quantity of units per box, Product ID - product ID in the system.

Specify Storage place and edit information on dimensions of box in Masterbox dimension block. It's necessary for system to calculate information on storage price for the carton.
Clicking Add finish the process of adding boxes with product to storage place.
  • en/addremovestock.1653397152.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/24 14:59
  • by artem