Pallet storage

Pallet storage is the most popular way of storing goods and commodities. Using features, you can set a rental price for rack and pallet storage spaces and also determine the maximum volume of a half-pallet storage.

Go to company settings and select a company. Go to the Prep tab. Click the pencil button to edit the connection with the client.

Change the Storage type parameter to Space. In the Half pallet volume threshold field, enter a value that refers to half the value of the pallet. In the Half pallet weight Threshold field, enter a value that refers to the maximum weight of the pallet storage bin. Save the updated settings.

Edit the Pallet Storage (Full Pallet) service by clicking the pencil button in the Default Services section. Storage Place (Half of the Pallet) is half-pallet storage and Storage Place (Shelf) is rack storage.

Set a price for the service in the Price block. Save the updated information by clicking on Save.
Storage place should be indicated as “Pallet” in order to account the pallet storage. To change the type go to Storage place in the Warehouse menu.

Edit a storage place by clicking the pencil button. Indicate the storage place type as Pallet.


Go to the Prep Center - Shipments section. Click Create Shipment.

Specify the options for the creation of a report. Indicate a client's company that you want to generate the report for in the Prep client string.
Select the Storage type in the Shipment type string.

The system will generate a report of storage cost for the specified time frame. The report is available for downloading in the Files section.

  • en/storagetypeplace.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/27 21:10
  • by simon