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Shipment Penalty

The Prep Center may issue a fine to a client for client's goods being stored on the loading zone due to lack of shipment in the system by creating a shipment with the type “Penalty”.

Go to the Prep Center - Service page. Edit services with Penalty type by clicking the pencil button. Select Penalty(Pallet) for a fine for a pallet. Select Penalty(Box) for a fine for cartons or select Penalty(Unit) for a fines for pieces.

Indicate the fine amount in the Price field for each type of Penalty shipments. Click Save to save it.

To issue a fine go to Prep Center - Shipments. Click Create Shipment.

Select a company of the client in the dropdown menu Prep client. Select Penalty in Shipment type field.

System will create a shipment with the Penalty type. Penalty service will be added into Extra services section of the the costs list. You can edit or add quantity of fines by clicking Edit.

Click Add extra service in order to add a fine.

Indicate a fine in the Service field, indicate quantity of pallets/boxes/units for which the client will be billed for in the Qty . Leave a note in the Memo field. Click Save.
  • en/shipmentpenalty.1676820390.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/02/19 16:26
  • by artem