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Shipping products

Click the button Create shipment

Select Shipment type Send to the warehouse

Choose a prep center.

Add products to a shipment.

  You can use two options for the products search: 
  - Product search - to search products by ID
  - FBA product search - search products by FNSKU. This option is available only for the products with the 
  active FBA status.

When your shipment is ready send it to a prep center.

If you want to change a shipment recall it, change and send it again to a prep center.

Click the button Create shipment

Select Shipment type:

Send to FBA from Prep - the goods of this shipment were already allocated to the warehouse.

Transit to FBA from Prep - you are not planning to store your goods in a warehouse and want to relay them to FBA with the same packaging.

Send direct to FBA - a supplier has to send products directly to FBA without involving a prep center.

  • en/shipment.1614346121.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/02/26 14:28
  • by support