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Regular and special services of the Prep Center

1. To see all services, go to the tab Prep Center - Services.
2. In the tab that opens, you will see all the existing services and their filtering. To filter in another way, use one of the available functions.

Default services - standard services that Ysell provides to all Prep Centers.

3. To create a custom service, scroll down from the Service page, you will find the Customized services area with the option Create service to create a unique service.
4. After clicking Create service you will see a window with fields for creating a service.

Status - service active or not.

Name - enter service name here.

Description - service description field.

Price - set price for this service.

Setting for sets/bundles. Payment per: - select what the price is indicated for - for units or boxes.

Service types - select the type of service (Basic - a service that customers can choose, Extra - a service that only prep centers can add).

Shipment types - for what types of shipments this service will be available.

Action Type - the action itself, what exactly the function will do.

*You can also select the description and name of the service for different languages by filling in different fields with the corresponding country.

Save - click to save the service.

5. Editing is available for each service.

On/Off - activated or not the service is.

Top option - view the service in more detail.

Middle option - service editing.

Bottom option - deleting the service.

  • en/servicesprep.1651669042.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/04 14:57
  • by artem