
This is an old revision of the document!

Steps to get started with Prep center

Apply to create an account for Prep center https://ysell.pro/

Fill in details

Setting Order handler

A very important step. Without this, it is impossible to send orders.

Go to the Order handler menu and in the local tab check Active and click Save.

Menu Services - here is a list of services that the Prep center provides to customers.

For unification, we offer Prep centers in Ysell a list of services that they provide by default.

Clients can use the services of several Prep centers simultaneously. For the convenience of clients, we offer Prep centers to use the list of services by default.

Services are of type Basic and Extra. The client can select the basic type of service himself when creating a shipment.

Type Extra uses the Prep center if it wants to provide the client with some additional service.

Prep center can also create its services.

How to create services

In Ysell, it is possible to create special prices for services for certain customers.

How to do it on the menu Settings - Companies - Prep

The prep center itself can create Ysell accounts for customers. It's on the menu Companies - Add new company

Go to menu Settings - Companies, click Connect prep client and enter the customer's Ysell address.

After that, the customer, for its part, must activate the connection with the Prep center.

  • en/prep_center.1642685606.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 14:33
  • by admin_4