Setting up polling notifications

To increase the efficiency of your work and enable timely notifications of customers (e.g. about incorrect shipping addresses), the system offers email notifications.

1. Go to Settings - Mail templates. By clicking Create a mail template, you create a template message, which is sent to clients.
2. Fill out the template fields.
Name - Template name.

Category - Select Mail for email notifications.

Mail address - Which adress should a template be sent to (preferably do not enter)

Mail Subject - It is best to enter this in the format “Order {order_num} issue”.

Mail Body - The text of the message that will be delivered to client (you can use the one from the screenshot).

Attachment File - Add a file, which will be sent with the message.

Attach invoice from order(if exists) - (Do not select) If active, an invoice, generated from the order, will be attached to the message.

Attach return label - (Do not select) If active, a return label, generated from the order, will be attached to the message.
3. The template will get a number after saving it.
4. Finally, go to the client settings of In the block Prep Center, indicate the number of the created template, in the string PREP_ORDER_POLLING_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE.