====== Processing Amazon Shipments Based on the Client's Selected Inbound Plan ====== >The processing stages depend on the **Inbound Plan option** chosen by the **client** when creating the preparation task: >>{{:ru:planandselect15.png?600|}} ---- >**Plan and Select Delivery Yourself** >This option means that the **client will control** the shipping process of the boxes prepared by the warehouse. After the Prep Center completes the packing of the boxes with the goods, **the client will be prompted to choose which of the available Amazon warehouses the goods will be shipped to and which carrier will handle the delivery.** This option allows the client to manage the selection of the warehouse and the carrier. ---- >**Plan and Ship via Prep Center** >This option **allows the warehouse to manage the entire process, including selecting Amazon warehouses and choosing the carrier to deliver the goods to Amazon's facilities.** This approach eliminates the need for client involvement in logistics decision-making and simplifies the management of the shipment. ====== Plan and Select Delivery Yourself ====== >**This option gives the client the ability to independently manage the delivery process and choose the placement options for the goods at Amazon warehouses.** >**1.** **Packing and Sorting the Goods into Boxes:** Once the goods are packed and sorted into boxes, enter the weight and dimension information in the **Transport** section and click **Next**. >>{{:ru:planandselect1.png?1200|}} ---- >**2.** **Specifying the Ship Date**: In the **Inbound Plan** section, a field appears for entering the **Ship Date** parameter – **this is the planned shipping date**. Enter the required date and click **Request the client to create inbound plan.** >>{{:ru:planandselect2.png?1200|}} ---- >**3.** **Client Confirmation:** After that, the system will display: //"Please wait, the process of confirming placement option is requested from the client."// **The client receives a notification to confirm the creation of the Inbound Plan in their Ysell interface.** >>{{:ru:planandselect17.png?800|}} ---- >**4.** **Selecting the Placement Option:** In the **Ysell** interface, the **client** selects one of the available options for the **Placement Option** (possible options for placing goods at the Amazon warehouse). >>{{:ru:planandselect4.png?1200|}} ---- >**5.** **Client's Selection of Shipping Carrier and Confirmation:** After selecting the appropriate placement option, the **client** chooses a carrier for delivery. The **client** confirms their choice by clicking **Confirm placement options**, completing the process. >>{{:ru:planandselect5.png?1200|}} ---- >**After the client has selected and confirmed the Placement Option, the Prep Center receives a notification.** >>{{:ru:planandselect14.png?800|}} ---- >**6.** **Choosing the Label Format:** For further shipment processing, the **Prep Center** needs to: >Select the format for **FBA Labels** and **shipping labels.** >After selecting the format, click **Get Labels**. >>{{:ru:planandselect6.png?1200|}} ---- >**7.** **ДAccessing the Labels and Completing the Task:** After the labels are generated, they become available for download or printing via the **Labels** button. Once all the preparation steps are completed, finish the shipment process by clicking the **Complete Shipment** button. >>{{:ru:planandselect7.png?1200|}} ====== Plan and Ship via Prep Center ====== >**This option gives the Prep Center full control over the selection of delivery and placement options, which simplifies the management of the process.** >**1.** After preparing the boxes and entering the weight and dimension information in the **Transport** section, click **Next**. >>{{:ru:planandselect8.png?1200|}} ---- >**2.** **Specifying the Ship Date:** In the **Inbound Plan** tab, enter the shipping date in the **Ship Date** section. After entering the date, click **Create Inbound Plan.** The process of creating the **Inbound Plan** will begin and may take a few minutes. >>{{:ru:planandship9.png?1200|}} ---- >**4.** **Selecting the Placement Option and Carrier:** After creating the Inbound Plan: >Select the offered **Amazon Placement Option** (placement of the shipment at FBA warehouses). >Choose the **Shipping Carrier**. In the **Select Delivery Window** field, select the expected delivery date for the goods to Amazon. >Click** Confirm Placement Option** to confirm the selection. >>{{:ru:planandselect11.png?1200|}} ---- >**5.** **Receiving the Labels:** Select the **FBA Labels and shipping label** format. >Click **Get Labels** to generate them. >>{{:ru:planandselect12.png?800|}} ---- >**6.** **Accessing the Labels and Completing the Task:** After the labels are generated, they will be available through the Labels button. Finish the shipment process by clicking **Complete**. >>{{:ru:planandselect13.png?1200|}} ----