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en:shipmentset [2022/01/14 18:51]
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en:shipmentset [2023/10/26 14:13]
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)//+====== Sending Sets and Bundles to FBA ======
-====== Отправка на FBA set bundle ====== +>Accurate tracking of sets and bundles when shipping to Amazon FBA through WMS is crucial for order assembly precisionpreventing inventory issuesenhancing order managementand ensuring FBA requirements are metThis ensures successful shipments and customer satisfaction.
-<WRAP center round tip> +
-Продажа товара комплектом - это возможность увеличить среднюю стоимость заказа. Добавление сопутствующих товаров к покупке - мощный способ увеличения дохода. Инаряду с увеличением числа  числа постоянных клиентовэто один из способов увеличить продажи. +
-</WRAP> +
->>[[ru:sets|Создайте карточку с сетом]]. Добавьте в неё количествои составляющие сет товары. +
->{{:ru:set_1.png?direct&800|}} {{:ru:set_2.png?direct&800|}}+
----- +===== Adding a Set or Bundle to Shipment =====
->>Перейдите на вкладку меню Supplier. Нажатием на Create Supplier, создайте нового поставщика SET. Сохраните внесенные изменения. +
->{{:ru:set_4.png?direct&1000|}} {{:ru:set_5.png?direct&600|}}+
----- +>To include products in the form of a set or bundle in your Amazon FBA shipment, search for the product and click "Add Product" on the created FBA shipment pageEnsure all items in the set or bundle are correctly added for precise and successful shipment
- +>>{{:ru:fbaset_1.png?500|}} {{:ru:fbaset_2.png?700|}}
->>Перейдите в раздел Suppliers на карточке созданного сетаУкажите поставщика SET в поле Supplier ID. Сохраните изменения+
->{{:ru:set_3.png?direct&1000|}} {{:ru:set_6.png?direct&600|}}+
 ---- ----
->>Создайте новую отправкуВыберите тип Transit to fba from prep.  +>When adding a product that is a set or bundle to your FBA shipment via WMS, pay attention to the "Type" columnIf the item is a set or bundle, this attribute will be automatically marked. Specify the total quantity of sets or bundles to be shipped in the "qty" field and select the appropriate service. Then, add the product by clicking the "Add" button. This way, the system automatically recognizes the set or bundle information, ensuring their accurate inclusion in the FBA shipment
->{{:ru:set_7.png?direct&1200|}} {{:ru:set_8.png?direct&400|}}+>>{{:ru:fbaset_3.png?600|}}
-----+===== Adding a set to the FBA shipment via a table =====
->Добавьте к отправке составляющие для сета. **Не добавляйте услуги к товару**. Добавив все составяющие для сетанажмита на иконку запчасти, чтобы объединить продукты в сет. +>Adding a set to your FBA shipment via a table allows for easy and quick inclusionspecifying the quantity neededUtilizing a table to add sets to your FBA shipment saves time in the preparation process within WMS.
->>{{:ru:set_9.png?direct&800|}} {{:ru:set_11.png?direct&800|}}  +
- +
->Добавьте необходимую услугу к сетуСохраните его нажатием на иконку дискетыВаш сет готов к отправке! +>To add shipment information via the table, you need to upload a file with the table template and fill it outBy clicking on "Import from File" on the shipment page, you will be directed to the table upload window. Click on "Download Example File" to download the table template.  
->>{{:ru:set_12.png?direct&600|}} {{:ru:set_13.png?direct&1000|}}+>>{{:ru:fbaset_4.png?800|}} {{:ru:fbaset_5.png?400|}}
 ---- ----
-{{youtube>Ih4oshK5qM8?medium}}+> Open the table in the editor.  
 +> Fill out one of the following fields to search for the product: 
 +> **SKU**: Product article number. 
 +> **FNSKU**: Unique product number on Amazon. 
 +> **SUP_NUM**: Supplier's product number. 
 +> **ID**: Product identification number. 
 +> Choose the units of measurement: 
 +> **MEASURE**: Specify **unit** for working with sets or bundles 
 +> **ITEM_TYPE**: Specify **set** for sets or bundles in the shipment. 
 +>After filling out the import table, ensure that all columns and values match the specified requirements. Then upload the file to the shipment task. Select the appropriate service and click Upload to transfer the information to the shipment. 
 +>>{{:en:fbasetss_8.png?800|}} {{:ru:fbaset_7.png?400|}}
  • en/shipmentset.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/26 14:13
  • by support