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en:servicesprep [2022/05/04 14:57]
en:servicesprep [2022/09/29 13:01]
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-====== Regular and special services of the Prep Center ======+====== Creating and editing of services at the Prep Center ====== 
 +> Services are activities, jobs and tasks performed by Prep Center staff and for which Prep Center receives payment from clients. Ysell.pro allows the Prep center to create their own services, edit their cost, and calculation method.
-**1**. To see all services, go to the tab **Prep Center** - **Services**. +> To see all services, go to the tab **Prep Center** - **Services**. 
-**2**. In the tab that opens, you will see all the existing services and their filteringTo filter in another wayuse one of the available functions+Services can be sorted by their name, description, cost, type of shipments and actions applied to the service. Please note that you already have a certain list of services pre-installed in the program (Default Services)Fields with any settings in these services cannot be edited, except for the coststatus of the service and its description
->>{{:ru:услугипрепа.png?direct&600|}} +>>{{:ru:prepservices_2.png|}} 
-**Default services** - standard services that Ysell provides to all Prep Centers.+>>{{:ru:prepservices_3.png|}}
-**3**. To create a custom service, scroll down from the **Service** page, you will find the **Customized services** area with the option **Create service** to create a unique service. +> To create a custom service, scroll down to the **Customized services**, press **Create service** and create a unique service. 
->> {{:ru:созданиеуслуги.png?direct&600|}}+>> {{:ru:prepservices_4.png|}}
-**4**. After clicking **Create service** you will see a window with fields for creating a service. +<WRAP group> 
->> {{:ru:информациядля_услуги.png?direct&600|}} +<WRAP half column left> 
-**Status** - service active or not.+>Edit service details.  
-**Name** - enter service name here.+<WRAP half column left> 
 +>**Name** - Enter the name of the service. You can indicate the name of the service in English or German in the sections Translations.  
 +>**Description** - Enter the description of the service 
 +>**Service types** -  **Basic** makes it possible for the client to select the service. Set the **Extra** parameter so that only the Prep center is able to apply the service. 
 +>**Shipment types** - Select the shipments types, to which the created service may be applied. 
 +>**Action Type** - Select an action type for the service. 
 +>**Labeling** - Labeling is available for action types **Send/Transit to FBA from prep**. Specify, if you need your goods to be labeled or relabeled. 
-**Description** - service description field.+====== Service cost setting ======
-**Price** set price for this service.+> The service cost can be edited as follows. The parameters **Single** and **Scale** in the menu **Price type** allow to set the service cost. If you select **Single** the service cost will be equal to the cost specified in the field **Price**. In order to set the service cost depending on the workload completed, select **Scale** and go to the setting **Price Scale Settings**. 
-**Setting for sets/bundles. Payment per:** select what the price is indicated for for units or boxes.+----
-**Service types** - select the type of service (Basic - a service that customers can choose, Extra - a service that only prep centers can add).+<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP half column left> 
 +> Setting of **Price Scale**.  
-**[[en:shipmentipes|Shipment types]]** - for what types of shipments this service will be available.+<WRAP half column left> 
 +>**Total qty of items in the shipment** - Calculation of the cost according to the total amount of goods. 
 +>**QTY of each item in the shipment** - Calculation of the cost of one position according to the selected service
 +>**Qty of which the set/bundle consists for each shipment item** - The cost on the scale will be calculated for each set separately and multiplied by the total quantity of goods. 
-**Action Type** the action itself, what exactly the function will do.+----
-*You can also select the description and name of the service for different languages by filling in different fields with the corresponding country.+>Specify the parameters for scaling the cost of the service. Specify the number from and to in the fields **From** and **To** . In the field **Price** , enter the cost for the specified period. 
-**Save** click to save the service.+----
-> **5**. Editing is available for each service. +>The feature **Setting for sets/bundles. Payment per** allows you to calculate the cost of the quantity of goods processed for the specified service, or for the number of applied services
->>{{:ru:изминение_услуги.png?direct&600|}} +>>{{:ru:prepservices_8.png?direct&800|}}
-**On/Off** - activated or not the service is.+
-**Top option** view the service in more detail.+----
-**Middle option** - service editing. 
-**Bottom option** - deleting the service. 
  • en/servicesprep.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/10/10 11:29
  • by vasily