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en:productsales [2023/04/16 10:44]
artem created
en:productsales [2023/04/16 17:08]
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 ====== Product sales report ====== ====== Product sales report ======
->**Product sales** report shows amount of sold products within marketplaces.+>The **Product Sales** report shows the number of products sold on the marketplaces.
 ---- ----
->Go to Reports section from the menu. Select **Product sales** report+>Go to the Reports section in the menu. Select the **Product Sales** report.
 >>{{:ru:salesreport_1.jpg?direct&500|}} >>{{:ru:salesreport_1.jpg?direct&500|}}
 ---- ----
->Select a company for report to generate. Select dates of report to generate in the **Dates** line.+>Select a company for the report to be created. Select the data of the report to be created in the **Data** row.
 >>{{:ru:salesreport_2.jpg?direct&600|}} >>{{:ru:salesreport_2.jpg?direct&600|}}
 ---- ----
->Report will upload information about sales for each available platform. CSV-file with the report will be available by clicking Download csv +>The report uploads information about sales for each available platform. The CSV file with the report becomes available by clicking Download csv
 >>{{:ru:products_sales3.jpg?direct&600|}} >>{{:ru:products_sales3.jpg?direct&600|}}
  • en/productsales.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/04/16 17:08
  • by simon