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en:exportfbashipment [2023/04/16 11:05]
artem created
en:exportfbashipment [2023/04/16 16:40]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Import FBA shipment from Amazon======+====== Import FBA shipment from Amazon ======
->Authorise in the Seller Central and go to the FBA shipments page. Clicking **Download SKU list** download report for chosen FBA shipment.+>Authorize in Seller Central and go to the FBA shipments page. Click **Download SKU List** to download the report for the selected FBA shipment.
 >>{{:ru:exportfba1.jpg?1000|}} >>{{:ru:exportfba1.jpg?1000|}}
 ---- ----
->Go to **Ysell**. Create a new shipment with type **Send/Transit FBA from Prep**. Click **"Import from file"**.+>Go to **Ysell**. Create a new shipment and choose **Send/Transit FBA from Prep** as type. Click **"Import from file"**.
 >>{{:ru:exportamazon4.jpg?800|}} >>{{:ru:exportamazon4.jpg?800|}}
 ---- ----
->Select "From amazon" section and upload the downloaded from **Amazon** fileSpecified in the file products will get added to the shipment.+>Select the "From amazon" section and upload the file downloaded from **Amazon**. The products specified in the file will be added to the shipment.
 >>{{:ru:exportshipment5.jpg?800|}} >>{{:ru:exportshipment5.jpg?800|}}
  • en/exportfbashipment.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/04/16 16:40
  • by simon