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Раздел FBA-shipments

“FBA-shipments” is a section provided in Ysell to see detailed information about sent to Amazon shipments. Detailed information includes quantity of non-delivered items, status and so on. The section is available beginning with “Report” tariff plan

1. Click “FBA-shipments” from “FBA” menu section:

2. Shipments list with “Closed” status on Amazon and status “fail” which means that amount that was received by Amazon varies from one that was declared in Ysell and sent by the Prep Center. Find details on the shipment by clicking “View” in the right.

2.1 You can filter shipments by Status parameter (“in work”, “ok”, “loading”, “plan”).

2.2 Using “Amazon status” parameter you can filter by following statuses:

3. You can find general information about the shipment including company name, shipment number in Ysell, shipment name etc. in the “Shipment” tab.

4. In the “Transport” tab can be found detailed information on the carrier: name, transportation costs, address and a list of tracking numbers for each parcel (Section down the page).

5. You can issue an invoice with breakdown list (SKU, title of a product, quantity, price) on the “Invoice” page. These invoices are necessary to open a dispute on Amazon.

6. Likewise you can generate a pack-list in the “Packlist” tab where you can see the products list (with SKU, FNSKU, quantity of products).

  • en/fbashipments.1676899734.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/02/20 14:28
  • by artem