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Supplier Reorder

Enter information about the product's supplier. Specify the information on supplier products. Go to Suppliers section on the product page. Enter information about the product clicking Add* in the Supplier's block. » —-

You can also enter the information about minimum or maximum quantity of the product to have refilled it's stock creating outbound shipment to FBA.

Min available - the minimum quantity of the product which goes to Amazon stock.

Max available - the maximum quantity of the product which goes to Amazon stock.

Enter the information about products supplier. Specify Yes in the Is main supplier string. Save entered changes

Set a new rule in the Order Rules settings in order to select a Prep Center automatically . Go to Settings - Order Rules. Edit existed one or create a new one by clicking Create Order Rule

Specify a company to set a rule for. Click Reorder to initiate settings block creation for Supplier Reorder

In the Reorder block specify rule's priority and set Active check-box. Save entered changes clicking Save.

Supplier Orders

Ysell.pro sets an order to be fulfilled via “Supplier's order” when the product in the order is out of stock in Prep Centers.

Amount of the product is indicated in the Reordered column for a specific order.

Go to menu Product - Supplier orders. Create order by a Supplier clicking “Create Order”.

Select a supplier and a company. Click “Create” to start creating an order to the supplier.

Add products manually by clicking Add Product. To add products automatically click Add products automatically. Tick the box by “Orders” and clicking Add get filled the reorder.

Select products to the reorder. Clicking Create Order finish order creation.

Creating inbound shipment for the reorder

To create a reorder shipment for created order indicate Supplier order num. Then click “Create Shipment”. If you need to generate Supplier file with the order list for the supplier click “Generate”.

Enter the information for the Prep Center that will be processing the shipment in Create shipment block. In the Qty to shipment column specify quantity of the products that is dispatched to the Prep Center. Clicking Add product to shipment add the product automatically.

System will create shipment for the selected Prep Center. Clicking Send to Prep on the Send to Prep tab pass the shipment information to the Prep Center.
  • en/suplierreorder.1667752307.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/11/06 17:31
  • by artem