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en:freezeorder [2024/05/11 14:52]
support created
en:freezeorder [2024/05/11 14:53] (current)
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-====== Заморозка заказа ======+====== Freezing an order ======
 >Freezing an order in Ysell.pro is an important tool for controlling order processing in the warehouse. This feature allows you to temporarily halt the processing of a specific order, preventing its fulfillment by the warehouse. Frozen orders can be useful when additional checks, adjustments, or delayed order processing are needed >Freezing an order in Ysell.pro is an important tool for controlling order processing in the warehouse. This feature allows you to temporarily halt the processing of a specific order, preventing its fulfillment by the warehouse. Frozen orders can be useful when additional checks, adjustments, or delayed order processing are needed
  • en/freezeorder.1715431920.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/05/11 14:52
  • by support