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en:serialnum [2023/10/24 21:30]
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en:serialnum [2023/10/25 22:20]
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 >Serial numbers for products are an additional feature that provides the ability for more in-depth tracking and control of specific items. Entering serial numbers is not mandatory for all products; it is applied only to items that have specified serial numbers. This feature enables precise tracking of product movement, which is particularly useful for high-value, technically complex, or unique items. If necessary, serial numbers can be added during the product receiving stage, allowing easy identification during order consolidation and enhancing overall inventory management transparency. >Serial numbers for products are an additional feature that provides the ability for more in-depth tracking and control of specific items. Entering serial numbers is not mandatory for all products; it is applied only to items that have specified serial numbers. This feature enables precise tracking of product movement, which is particularly useful for high-value, technically complex, or unique items. If necessary, serial numbers can be added during the product receiving stage, allowing easy identification during order consolidation and enhancing overall inventory management transparency.
-====== Как указать, что на товар необходимо добавить серийный номер? ======+====== How to specify that a product requires a serial number? ======
->Перейдите на карточку товараВ разделе **Others** укажите атрибут **Yes** в строке **Serial Number**. Таким образомвы сообщите системечто при постановке товара на хранение складом необходимо будет внести уникальный серийный номер для каждой единицы товара.+>Go to the product cardIn the **Others** section, set the attribute **Yes** for the **Serial Number** fieldThis wayyou inform the system that when the product is stored in the warehousea unique serial number must be assigned to each unit of the product.
 >>{{:ru:serialnumbers_1.png?800|}} {{:ru:serialnumbers_2.png?372|}} >>{{:ru:serialnumbers_1.png?800|}} {{:ru:serialnumbers_2.png?372|}}
 ---- ----
->Для проверки наличия товара с определенными серийными номерамиперейдите в раздел **Warehouse** на странице карточки товараВ колонке **Serial number** будут перечислены все доступные серийные номера данного товараЗдесь вы сможете легко убедиться в наличии именно тех товаровкоторые вам нужны.+>To check the availability of products with specific serial numbersgo to the Warehouse section on the product card pageIn the Serial number column, all available serial numbers for that product will be listedHereyou can easily verify the availability of the specific items you need.
 >>{{:ru:serialnum_3.png?600|}} {{:ru:serialnum_4.png?600|}} >>{{:ru:serialnum_3.png?600|}} {{:ru:serialnum_4.png?600|}}
-====== Указание серийного номера товара к отправке в заказе ====== +====== Assigning Serial Numbers to Items in Orders ======
- +
->Ysell.pro предоставляет возможность назначать конкретные серийные номера товаров при отправке заказов. Это позволяет контролировать что каждый отправленный товар соответствует запрошенному серийному номеру. Таким образом, мы гарантируем высокий уровень точности в процессе выполнения заказов.+
 +>Ysell.pro allows you to assign specific serial numbers to items when fulfilling orders. This feature ensures that each shipped item corresponds to the requested serial number, guaranteeing a high level of accuracy in order fulfillment.
 ---- ----
->Чтобы указать определенный серийный номер товара для отправки в заказе, перейдите в соответствующий заказ и добавьте товаркликнув на кнопку **Add product** в разделе **Order Content**Затемв открывшемся окне выполните поиск необходимого товараВ поле **Serial Number** выберите нужный для отправки серийный номер из выпадающего списка. Этот шаг обеспечивает точность и уверенность в томчто каждый товар в заказе будет отправлен с требуемым серийным номером+>To specify a specific serial number for a product in your ordergo to the respective order and add the item by clicking on the Add product button in the Order Content sectionThenin the pop-up window, search for the desired productIn the Serial Number fieldselect the serial number you want to use for shipment from the drop-down list. This step ensures accuracy and confidence that each item in the order will be shipped with the required serial number.
 >>{{:ru:serialnumber_5.png?800|}} {{:ru:serialnum_7.png?400|}} >>{{:ru:serialnumber_5.png?800|}} {{:ru:serialnum_7.png?400|}}
 +====== Working with serial numbers through API ======
 +>Working with serial numbers through API ensures automation, accuracy, and data security management. This allows for improved efficiency in business processes and ensures reliable tracking of goods.
 +===== Specifying a serial number when adding/modifying an item in the order. =====
 +>Use the following cURL command to create an order item and specify a serial number.:
 +<WRAP CEnTER box 60%>
 +curl -X 'POST' \
 +  'https://Address of your website ysell.pro/api/v1/order-item' \
 +  -H 'accept: application/json' \
 +  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 +  -H 'Authorization: Bearer Authorization_Token' \
 +  -d '{
 +    "order_id": "ORDER_ID",
 +    "product_id": "PRODUCT_ID",
 +    "quantity": PRODUCT_QTY,
 +    "serial_num": "SERIAL_NUMBER"
 +  }'
 +>**POST** indicates that you are creating a new object (in this case, a new order item)..
 +>**Headers** include accept and **Content-Type** to specify the data format, and **Authorization** for authentication using your token.
 +>**Body** contains the data you send in the request. In this case, you specify the **order_id** (order ID), **product_id** (product ID), **quantity** (quantity of the product), and **serial_num** (serial number of the product).
 +>This request will create a new order item with the specified serial number for the product..
 +===== Obtaining product serial numbers through API. =====
 +>Through the API, you can retrieve serial numbers currently in stock for a specific product, ensuring accurate inventory tracking, inventory control, and fulfilling customer orders with the necessary item
 +>This cURL request is a GET request used to retrieve data from the specified endpoint.
 +>This command will send a GET request to the specified API endpoint and retrieve data related to product serial numbers: https://yourwebsiteaddress.ysell.pro/api/v1/product/ExtID/serial-numbers."
  • en/serialnum.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/11/17 09:46
  • by simon