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en:carrier_tariff [2022/01/18 17:53]
en:carrier_tariff [2022/04/10 10:21] (current)
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-====== Decryption of carrier services on FBM-orders ======+====== Report of services on FBM-orders ======
->**1.** In FBM-ordersit is possible to view the full details of the services provided by the Prep CenterTo view them go to the order and click on the **'Request from prep-center'** button in the **'Order services'** section. As a result, You can see the decryption here:+>**1.** Within FBM-orders it'possible to get all the details of the services offered by the prep centerGo to the respective order and click on ** Request from prep-center**, which you'll find in the **Order Services** section. 
 >>{{:ru:tariff0.png?direct&630|}} {{:ru:tariff11.png?direct&600|}} >>{{:ru:tariff0.png?direct&630|}} {{:ru:tariff11.png?direct&600|}}
->**2.** For customers who are connected to the **Delivery tariff**, all carrier costs are displayed in orders (the **'Carrier cost (fbm)'** line) too:+>**2.** Customers who have chosen the **Delivery Tariff** will also see the carrier costs (in the **'Carrier cost (fbm)'** line):
 >>{{:ru:tariff1.png?direct&600|}} >>{{:ru:tariff1.png?direct&600|}}
->**3.** You can view the decryption cost of services for all orders for certain period in the **'Prep-center orders'** report. Go to this report in the **'Reports'** menu:+>**3.** You can view the service costs for all orders within specific time period. You will find this in the **Prep-center orders** report, which you find in **Reports**.
 >>{{:ru:tariff2.png?direct&600|}} >>{{:ru:tariff2.png?direct&600|}}
->**4.** To download the report select Your company, the Prep center, for which report is required, and dates (day, several days or a month):+>**4.** If you're interested in downloading the reportselect your company, the prep center, for which the report is required, and the dates (one day, several days or a month):
 >>{{:ru:tariff4.png?direct&600|}} >>{{:ru:tariff4.png?direct&600|}}
->**5.** The report presents all services on orders for the selected period, including **'Carrier cost (fbm)'**:+>**5.** The report presents all services for the selected period, including **'Carrier cost (fbm)'**:
 >>{{:ru:tariff3.png?direct&600|}} >>{{:ru:tariff3.png?direct&600|}}
  • en/carrier_tariff.1642524818.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 17:53
  • by admin_5